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The wine industry has been significantly impacted by the Covid-19 pandemic. In light of this, the Australian and South Australian Governments have announced significant support to assist the industry through to better times. Read more
The world of pain being experienced by business owners has not yet been revealed anywhere near it’s true extent. Read more
The AASB has been very active during the past two months, issuing a number of new requirements. Nexia Australia Technical Director Martin Olde highlights some of the key changes as well as financial reporting considerations relating to COVID-19. Read more
The superannuation law requires a minimum amount to be paid from a pension account each year in order for the account to be treated as being in retirement phase, and entitle the fund to income tax exemption on income arising from assets represented by the account. Read more
Eligible members of super funds (including SMSFs) are able to apply for two amounts of up to $10,000 each. Read more
There are a number of things you can do if COVID-19 has affected your fund’s cash flow or your ability to fulfil your duties as trustee. Read more
The JobKeeper Rules were amended on 1 May, following an announcement by the Treasurer on 24 April. This reflects the sound judgement of enacting framework legislation that delegated lawmaking power to the Treasurer, from which the JobKeeper Rules came, so that any required amendments could be implemented quickly. Read more
A key requirement for a business to qualify for the JobKeeper payments is that it has suffered a 30%+ decline in turnover (50%+ for those with group turnover above $1 billion). The JobKeeper Rules contain the “basic test” for measuring a business’s decline in turnover. It generally operates by comparing your predicted turnover for a period (say, month of April 2020) to the equivalent period in 2019 (April 2019). Read more
We have summarised the COVID-19 related stimulus and support measures that are available for Not-for-Profit (NFP) entities. Read more
The Australian government’s mandatory Code of Conduct for Commercial Leases introduces a range of rent concessions for lessees, including rent reductions and rent deferrals. Read more