
Jan 12, 2022 / News

Business Structures - Service Trusts for Medical Professionals

Is your medical business structured in the most tax effective manner? Eliza from the Health Care team touches on the use of service trusts and the tax benefits they offer. Read more

Health / Taxation

Jan 12, 2022 / News

Professional Services Income (PSI) - Impact on Medical Professionals

Have you ever wondered why you can’t split your income from your medical practice to your spouse? Lachlan from the Health Team discusses Professional Service Income and how it impacts you. Read more

Health / Taxation

Jun 03, 2021 / News

Practice Premises Considerations for Medical Professionals

Lachlan Blieschke from the Health Team discusses the options available to medical professionals when it comes to either buying or renting a premises and the issues that should be considered. Read more


Jan 18, 2021 / News

NEMTV: Going into business

Eliza Sims is a member of the firm’s specialist Healthcare team. Are you ready to go into business? In this video, she discusses the key things to consider from inception through to succession planning. Read more

Business Consulting / Health / Healthcare