
Jul 15, 2024 / News

Superannuation Solutions Newsletter | Edition 21

Welcome to the latest edition of our Superannuation Solutions Newsletter. In this edition we discuss non-arms length expenditure rule changes, understanding the criteria for the wholesale investor test and distinguishing between wholesale and retail investors, and a current list of important superannuation rates and caps which have changed from 1 July 2024. Read more

Superannuation / Superannuation Solutions Edition 21

Jun 06, 2024 / News

Ensuring you are in the best possible tax health by 30 June 2024

With 30 June approaching, this document draws your attention to year-end tax planning strategies and compliance issues you need to consider to ensure you are in the best possible tax health. Read more

End of Financial Year / EOFY / Superannuation / Superannuation Strategies

May 06, 2024 / News

Superannuation Solutions | Edition 20

Welcome to the latest edition of our Superannuation Solutions Newsletter. In this edition we discuss concessional contribution caps increasing, whether you need to take action on the contribution cap bring forward, research demonstrating how SMSFs out perform APRA funds and the ATO's focus on SMSF compliance to value assets each year at market value. Read more

Superannuation / Superannuation Solutions Newsletter 20

Mar 21, 2024 / News

Primary Production Property held in a Self-Managed Superannuation Fund (SMSF), is it worth it?

Self-Managed Superannuation Funds (SMSF) are governed by the Superannuation Industry Supervision (SIS) rules through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). An audit must be undertaken every year by an ATO-registered superannuation fund auditor who reports any breaches of the SIS Act on an annual basis. Read more

Self Managed Superannuation Fund / SMSF / Superannuation / Superannuation Strategies / Wine Industry

Aug 14, 2023 / News

How to boost your super with a lump sum

If you’re lucky enough to have received a windfall, perhaps an inheritance or a redundancy payout, your first decision will be what to do with it. Read more

Superannuation / Superannuation Contributions / Tax & Superannuation

Jul 14, 2023 / News

Managing the costs of raising children

It is a special feeling to welcome a new child or grandchild into the world and watch them grow. Sharing their joy as they reach new milestones is priceless. Having a financial strategy in place to cover the costs and taking advantage of government support where available can make a big difference. Read more

Financial Planning / Preparing Financially For A Family / Superannuation

Jul 14, 2023 / News

Will these super changes affect you?

As our superannuation balances grow larger, it makes more sense than ever to keep track of the many rules changes that have recently happened or are coming up soon. Here we outline the latest changes in case they affect you. Read more

Financial Planning / Superannuation / Tax and Superannuation

Jun 07, 2023 / News

Additional tax on super balances over $3 million

The Budget confirms the Federal Government’s intention to introduce an additional 15% tax on a proportion of the super “earnings” of a member where the member’s total super balance is greater than $3m at the end of a financial year. Read more

Superannuation / Superannuation Newsletter Edition 17

Jun 07, 2023 / News

Federal Budget Announcements 2023

The Federal Treasurer, Dr Jim Chalmers, brought down the 2023-24 Federal Budget on 9 May. In this issue we look at three announcements which directly affect our superannuation clients. Read more

Federal Budget / Superannuation

Jun 02, 2023 / News

Ensuring you are in the best possible tax health by 30 June 2023

With 30 June approaching, this article draws your attention to year-end tax planning strategies and compliance issues you need to consider to ensure you are in the best possible tax health. Read more

Business Consulting / Superannuation / Taxation

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