
Dec 13, 2022 / News

ATO’s final position on tax avoidance through trusts

Many people use trusts. For holding investments, running a business and a number of other reasons. They’re simpler, more flexible and less regulated than companies. They offer asset protection, wealth succession outside of deceased-estate regulation, and greater anonymity, and they’re usually more tax effective. Over the year, our team at Nexia Australia have been waiting for these high anticipated pronouncements from the ATO. Read more


Aug 30, 2022 / News

Bleasdale Vineyards

We spoke to Leigh Warren, General Manager of Bleasdale Vineyards, who shared his personal insights into how he was able to use the challenges presented by COVID-19 to pivot his business to maximise opportunities and minimise the detrimental impacts on cashflow. Read more

Taxation / Wine Industry

Aug 30, 2022 / News

Hints, Allegations and Things Left Unsaid – Post-election tax landscape

As the saying goes, change the government, and you change the country. Change doesn’t happen by itself; through government, it happens by changes in policy. The particular focus here is the new government’s tax policies taken to the election – and the possible unspoken ones. Read more


Aug 18, 2022 / News

Tax Update | The holiday is over: ATO escalates active debt collection

The small-to-medium business sector has had an extended holiday from active ATO debt recovery since the onset of the pandemic. But now, more than two years after the pandemic changed our lives, the ATO has rapidly escalated their collection activity. And they are using some powerful collection tools that were new or enhanced just before the pandemic, and thus had to sheath them. Until now. Read more


Jun 07, 2022 / News

Ensuring you are in the best possible tax health by 30 June 2022

With 30 June approaching, our End of Financial Year Tax Planning Guide draws your attention to year-end tax planning strategies and compliance issues you need to consider to ensure you are in the best possible tax health. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

May 18, 2022 / News

Women’s security – Budget 2022

The Australian Government’s Federal Budget announced in March had a particular focus on creating future opportunities for women. Read more


Apr 05, 2022 / News

Fuel Excise – What’s Changing with your Business’s Fuel Tax Credits

Much attention has been given to the 2022 Budget measure of temporarily halving of the fuel excise for petrol and diesel, from 44.2 cents/litre to 22.1 cents. Read more


Mar 30, 2022 / News

2022 Federal Budget Insights

At the time of last year’s Budget, allowing ourselves the indulgence of thinking about a post-pandemic world was perhaps a little premature. But maybe this time we really can. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Mar 30, 2022 / News

Guide to the Federal Budget 2022

At the time of last year’s Budget, allowing ourselves the indulgence of thinking about a post-pandemic world was perhaps a little premature. But maybe this time we really can. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

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