
Feb 06, 2020 / News

Business sale tax concessions: ATO wins 3-0 clean sweep

The small business concessions can be very generous in reducing or even eliminating the tax impost on a capital gain you make from selling your business (or your company), or an asset used in the business. For example, in combination with the general 50% discount on capital gains, these concessions can reduce your tax bill on a capital gain in the millions to nil in fairly mundane circumstances. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Dec 19, 2019 / News

New law erases tax-exempt family home

It can be quite an adventure to live and work overseas for a time, should the opportunity arise. Many people who have done so choose to keep their home because they can maintain the exemption from capital gains tax (CGT). Not anymore. In fact, not ever. Read more


Dec 13, 2019 / News

R&D changes, but the ‘real’ issues remain

Draft legislation has been introduced to Parliament to modify the Research & Development (R&D) tax incentive, effective from 1 July 2019. The intent is to better target the incentive, and better motivate some businesses to spend on R&D. Read more

R&D / Taxation

Dec 03, 2019 / News

SA Land Tax Update

On 28 November 2019, the Land Tax (Miscellaneous) Amendment Bill 2019 was passed. We've summarised the measures that mean less tax and measures that could mean more tax Read more


Oct 03, 2019 / News

Your outstanding tax debts: Exposed for everyone to see

A Bill before Parliament, which will likely pass, will permit the ATO to report your outstanding tax debts to Credit Reporting Bureaus (CRB) Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Sep 23, 2019 / News

Super Guarantee amnesty back on! Use it, or else!

The Government has entered a Bill into Parliament to reignite the previously lapsed superannuation guarantee amnesty. But this time it takes a new turn by adding a stick to the carrot. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Aug 13, 2019 / News

Election outcome changes tax landscape – just not how we expected

You were probably just as surprised as we were. In fact, because we thought a change in government was most likely, we didn’t wait until the 18 May election itself to invest time and effort into developing strategies for the Opposition’s tax policies. Read more


Jun 14, 2019 / News

How to be in good tax health by 30 June

With 30 June approaching, this document draws your attention to year-end tax planning strategies and compliance issues you need to consider to ensure you are in good tax health. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

Jun 11, 2019 / News

New tax law, Part 1: Kicking businesses while they’re down? Or being cruel to be kind?

With all the attention on the recent election - and the aftermath - a new law coming into effect from this 1 July has not received the attention it deserves. As you would know, businesses are required to withhold tax from their employees’ wages and report it to the ATO. The gross wages is usually a deductible expense, even if the tax withheld has not yet been paid to the ATO. Read more

Business Consulting / Taxation

May 15, 2019 / News

Think Tax: What Alfred Hitchcock can teach us about tax

With all the nervous energy flying around, you’d think something big was happening this weekend. And of course, there is. Read more


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