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Paul Dimasi is a Partner in Nexia Edwards Marshall’s Business Consulting and Taxation divisions.

Paul provides taxation and accounting services to small, medium and large business and other professional clients. His expertise covers areas including individual and corporate income tax, GST and CGT. Paul is particularly interested in property and the construction industry, and works with clients involved in property development and town planning, concreting, building, fabrication, plumbing and various other trades.

Professional expertise

   Business Consulting

   Financial Reporting

   Property and Construction

Business Consulting 

Paul writes financial reports for large, medium and small businesses and group structures, prepares income tax returns and advises clients on GST compliance and the preparation of Business Activity Statements. He also provides general advice in a range of areas including taxation, Capital Gains Tax and Fringe Benefits Tax.


Using group structures can maximise benefits for clients. Paul analyses these structures and plans ways to minimise the risks of loan exposure.

Formal qualifications

   Bachelor of Commerce, University of South Australia

   Member, Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand

   Chartered Tax Advisor, Tax Institute of Australia


Paul develops a deep understanding of his clients so he can help them structure their businesses to grow and improve. 


Work with a client to help them expand their business.

Process and outcome

Paul’s help with bringing in a third partner with minimal capital gains tax consequences enabled the company to expand to regional areas of South Australia. He also assessed the value of buying a competitor’s business, and determined that it would be wiser to use the funds to establish a new location.


Research businesses for sale in South Australia that a client could purchase as an add-on to expand its product lines.

Process and outcome

After Paul narrowed down the field to three possibilities, offers were made and the client was able to buy one of the businesses. He then performed due diligence on the new business, managed to save the client thousands of dollars on the purchase, and in doing so, set up a solid structure for the company’s future.


Help determine methods to minimise a client’s Div7A loan accounts.

Process and outcome

After analysing the client’s group structure, Paul identified that by bringing a new company into the group, and transferring business interest from the client’s family trust to the new entity, the market value of the transaction would reduce the loan accounts and minimise future tax consequences.


Review the structure of a client’s group of large private entities and suggest improvements.

Process and outcome

After a thorough review, Paul structured a way for profits to be distributed effectively through the group structure to help minimise tax and Div7A loan exposure. This was done by restructuring existing loans through interrelated accounts.
